In today's competitive business landscape, a strong brand is essential for success. A brand is more than just a logo or a name – it's the overall perception that customers have of a company. It's what sets a company apart from its competitors and creates a lasting impression in the minds of customers. But what happens when a brand loses its impact or fails to resonate with its target audience? That's where rebranding comes in. As an Orlando Branding Agency,  we've worked with businesses across the U.S. from medium size to enterprise level companies to help reposition their brand when it comes time to make the switch. In this article, we'll explore the reasons to consider rebranding and how to determine if it's time for a change.

Before we dive into the reasons for rebranding, let's first define what a rebranding is. Rebranding is the process of changing the visual, verbal, or emotional identity of a company to create a new image and perception in the minds of customers. Rebranding can involve changes to the company name, logo, tagline, messaging, and even the products or services offered.

But what happens when a brand loses its impact or fails to resonate with its target audience? That's where rebranding comes in. Here are the main reasons to consider rebranding:

Update the look

How visual identity affects brand perception - your brand's visual identity is one of the most important aspects of your brand. It's the first thing customers see and it sets the tone for the rest of their experience with your brand. A visually outdated or inconsistent brand can harm your brand's perception and turn potential customers away.

Signs that your visual identity needs a refresh - If your visual identity is outdated, it might be time to refresh your brand's look. Here are some signs that your visual identity needs a refresh:

  • Your logo looks dated or doesn't represent your brand anymore
  • Your website or marketing materials have an inconsistent look and feel
  • Your brand's color palette or typography is outdated
  • Your brand's visual identity is too similar to your competitors

Benefits of updating your visual identity - Updating your visual identity can breathe new life into your brand and create a more modern, consistent look and feel. Benefits of updating your visual identity include:

  • Increased brand recognition and memorability
  • Improved perception of your brand as modern and relevant
  • Better alignment with your brand values and messaging


Your brand can become a mishmash of assets if you're not careful. If you lack visual and verbal consistency from using incongruent logos, typography, color palettes, imagery, messages, and tone of voice, your brand is suffering from Schizophrenia. This type of rebranding is done when a company needs to create a greater sense of continuity across the brand, and to overcome the inefficiencies, frustration and confusion that result in not presenting a consistent face to customers.

If your brand lacks consistency, it can be difficult for customers to understand what you stand for and how you can help them. In this case, a rebrand can help create a cohesive brand identity that communicates your company's values and mission clearly and effectively.

When considering a rebrand for this reason, it's important to identify the elements of your brand that are inconsistent and develop a plan to bring them into alignment. This could include updating your logo and visual identity, creating brand guidelines, and developing a consistent tone of voice for all marketing materials.

Business has changed

Many businesses tweak their business models, change or add new services and products to stay competitive and profitable. If you used to do X but now you do X and Y, it might be time to rebrand. Your customers will only know that you do X unless you find a way of making them see that you also do Y. The diversification or division of a business warrants a rebrand for clarification.

Competitive Advantage

In today's competitive business landscape, companies need to stand out to succeed. Rebranding can give a company a competitive edge by differentiating it from its competitors, making it more relevant to its target audience, and creating a more positive perception of the brand.

Rebranding can help a company differentiate itself from competitors by creating a unique brand identity that stands out in the marketplace. By updating the company's logo, website design, messaging, and other visual elements, a rebranding effort can help a company to create a strong and distinctive brand that sets it apart from competitors.

Rebranding can also make a company more relevant to its target audience by updating the brand to reflect changing customer needs and preferences. For example, if a company's target audience has shifted to a younger demographic, a rebranding effort can help to create a more youthful and modern brand that appeals to this audience.

Finally, rebranding can create a more positive perception of the brand by addressing any negative associations that may be holding the company back. By updating the brand's messaging, visual identity, or other elements, a rebranding effort can help to reposition the brand in a more positive light, improving its reputation and increasing customer trust and loyalty.

While rebranding can help to give a company a competitive edge, it's essential to recognize the signs that your brand may be losing its competitive advantage. Some of the most common signs that it's time to rebrand include:

  • Declining sales or market share: If your company's sales or market share have been steadily declining, it may be a sign that your brand is no longer resonating with customers.
  • Negative feedback from customers: If customers are consistently providing negative feedback about your brand, it may be time to reassess your brand and consider a rebranding effort.
  • Lack of differentiation from competitors: If your brand is struggling to stand out in a crowded marketplace, it may be a sign that your brand is losing its competitive edge and that a rebranding effort may be necessary.

Rebranding can provide numerous benefits for companies looking to gain a competitive advantage, including:

  • Increased brand awareness: A successful rebranding effort can help to generate buzz and publicity around a company, increasing brand awareness and driving customer engagement.
  • Improved customer perception: By updating the brand's visual identity, messaging, or other elements, a rebranding effort can help to improve customer perception of the brand, increasing customer trust and loyalty.
  • Differentiation from competitors: By creating a unique brand identity, a rebranding effort can help a company to differentiate itself from competitors and stand out in the marketplace.
  • Increased relevance to target audience: A rebranding effort can help a company to stay relevant to its target audience by updating the brand to reflect changing customer needs and preferences.
  • Increased sales and revenue: By creating a stronger, more distinctive brand, a rebranding effort can help to drive sales and revenue growth, providing a significant competitive advantage.

Mergers and acquisitions

Mergers and acquisitions are a common occurrence in the business world, and they can present an excellent opportunity for companies to rebrand. Merging with another company or acquiring a new one can bring about significant changes, and a rebranding can help to reflect these changes.

When two companies merge, they typically combine their resources, personnel, and operations, leading to significant changes in the business. This can lead to a need to rebrand the company to reflect the new direction of the business. Similarly, when a company acquires another business, it can bring about significant changes that may require a rebranding effort.

For example, in 2016, Dell and EMC announced their merger, creating one of the world's largest technology companies. Following the merger, the company underwent a significant rebranding effort, resulting in the creation of Dell Technologies. The new branding reflected the new direction of the business, which had expanded its offerings beyond personal computers to include data storage, servers, and other enterprise solutions.

Name Changes

In some cases, a company may need to rebrand simply because of a name change. This can occur for a variety of reasons, such as a change in ownership, a merger or acquisition, or a shift in the company's focus. A name change can also be necessary if the company's name no longer accurately reflects its products, services, or mission.

For example, in 2017, Google announced a name change for its advertising platform, AdWords, which was rebranded as Google Ads. The change reflected the evolution of the platform, which had expanded beyond traditional search advertising to include display and video ads. The new name also aligned with Google's focus on providing businesses with a comprehensive suite of advertising solutions.


As a company grows and expands, it may need to rebrand to reflect its new position in the market. This can be particularly true for startups that have experienced rapid growth and are now competing with more established players in the industry. A rebrand can help to position the company as a serious player in the market and differentiate it from competitors.

For example, in 2016, Airbnb underwent a significant rebranding effort to reflect its growth and expansion beyond just short-term rentals. The new branding, which included a new logo and website design, reflected the company's broader mission to provide unique travel experiences and connect people from all over the world.

To conclude, rebranding is a significant undertaking that requires careful planning and execution. While there are many reasons why a company may need to rebrand, it's essential to ensure that the timing is right and that the rebranding effort aligns with the company's goals and objectives. By considering the factors outlined in this article, companies can make informed decisions about whether it's time to rebrand and take the necessary steps to ensure a successful rebranding effort.

If your are considering a rebrand - reach out to one of our creative brand experts for a discovery call. We'll discuss your brand's current positioning, explore possibilites and craft a solid rebrand strategy for you.

Book a discovery call

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